The Road to Freedom is a 24-month Erasmus+ EU project that includes 6 organizations from 6 European countries working on a support program for inmates and ex-inmates in and after incarceration in prisons through proven FROG leadership and life-mastery training and peer mentoring
The partners of the Road2Freedom project are actively working in providing training and mentoring within prisons and want to expand these services with innovative training approaches, including the implementation of a proven method FROG leadership and lifemastery program to empower inmates and ex-inmates and support inclusion and active participation in the community.
The project meets the needs of inmates and ex-inmates for a successful integration to everyday life and work, both by providing them with proven coaching (FROG) methodology for self realization and empowerment.

The project´s goal is to create a support program for inmates and ex-inmates in and after incarceration in prisons through proven FROG leadership and life-mastery training and peer mentoring.
The project will help teach and implement methods to break the vicious cycle of criminality and multiple prison stays.
The project’s target groups are, firstly, convicts and exconvicts and secondly, marginalized groups everywhere in the world as well as several stakeholders, such as trained peers.

The Road to Freedom project will produce 4 project results, 5 multiplier events including a transnational final conference, various dissemination activities including 4 newsletters, several PR initiatives as well as 3 transnational partners meetings.
The 4 Project Results will include a methodological and situation analysis , video-success stories and documentaries , the FROG life-mastery and leadership training of trainers and pilot trainings for inmates and ex inmates for empowerment, as well as an open resource FREEDOM information and training platform with different methods, tools and peer networking .
after the project
The end result of the project that will be sustained after project finalization is a network of trained trainers, peers and professionals, and peers that have undertaken the FROG training and enjoyed peer support that will encourage them to volunteer and contribute to the peer network and peer support in the future.
By engaging stakeholders from start to finish the partners are confident that project results will not only be of good quality but also become sustainable after project finalization, making FROG leadership and life mastery method and peer mentoring an incremental part of rehabilitation processes within the prison system in Europe.